Gartner consultancy, formerly known as SHL and CEB, is a large globally based company that, among other things, acts as a distributer of psychometric tests, talent measurement consultancy and is an occupational psychology specialist. Gartner operates in over 50 countries and in over 30 different languages. Gartner uses different personality tests, for example the OPQ and de MQ. Besides that, Gartner also has their own capacity test, which you will for sure come in contact with when you take an assessment at Gartner. This capacity tests consists of the following components:
- Verbal logical reasoning
- Numerical logical reasoning
- Deductive reasoning
- Inductive reasoning
- Reading and comprehension
- Calculation
- Technical insight
Practice makes perfect!
It is very important to practice for a capacity test. If you do not practice, your score may be lower and this often lowers your chances of getting that much-desired job! By practicing, you can solve problems more quickly and efficiently, so that your score will increase.
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